"Tristram Shandy: A cock and bull story" is an excellent movie directed by English director Michael Winterbottom. Sterne's originality stems from his surreal, structureless, nonlinear narrative, the leaping from subject to subject, in short, "the order of the disorder". The movie is based on the premise that Tristam Shandy is an "unfilmable" story, maybe because it seems to be an "unreadable" book: if you take it piece by piece, it is an utter chaos, but once the pieces drop into place, it reveals unification and everything makes sense. Winterbottom superbly works the "movie within a movie" resource, creating a fictional "backstage" of the film with the same digressions present in the book. Steve Coogan's performance as Tristram Shandy/Steve Coogan is absolutely compelling.
More info about the movie in its official site: http://www.tristramshandymovie.com/